Rings Muscle-Up

  • Efficient and proven system
  • Achieve muscle-up mastery

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The rings muscle-up is an impressive feat of upper body strength, mobility, and control. Not only is this a great exercise for developing muscularity but it’s a good foundation to have for the straight-bar muscle-up.

Want to unlock the rings muscle-up but don’t know where to start?

Project Rings Muscle-up provides an efficient and proven system for mastering the muscle-up.

In this comprehensive guide, you will learn absolutely everything you need to about how to train for the strict muscle-up (without kipping). Whether you’re working toward your first rep or can already a few and want to improve capacity, this guide will help you achieve your goals.

Before starting Project Rings Muscle-up, it is recommended that you can do at least six chin-ups and six dips on rings.


What equipment do I need?

To perform the programs in Project Rings Muscle-Up, a set of rings and a resistance band is sufficient. As long as you have something to do lever exercises on such as a pull-up bar, something to do dips between such as two chairs at home, and a resistance band, you have everything you need for the programs.


What baseline level of fitness do I need to jump into this program?

To get the most out of Project Rings Muscle-Up, a foundation of basic bodyweight strength is recommended. If you can do five bodyweight chin-ups and eight bodyweight dips, you have enough strength to start this program.


Will I get a shoulder injury from trying this? How likely is an injury?

The Rings Muscle-Up can be dangerous for the shoulders if you don’t know what you’re doing. However, when progressed to intelligently, it is very safe and can even improve shoulder health and resilience. As it was designed by a physiotherapist, safety was a primary consideration in creating the program. Project Rings Muscle-Up provides a gradual, progressive, and safe approach for training the lever, minimizing the risk of injury.